addiction treatment center

I Have to Find Drug Rehabs in Wells, Maine. How?

Question by anahi da: I have to find drug rehabs in Wells, Maine. How? I was surprised to find out that one of my friends, who has just recently moved there, is now a heroin addict. I found out about this because a common friend of ours (who lives with her) told me about it and asked for my help. I think we’d better get her treated. How will I find a rehab there, though? Best answer:    Read more... ...

I Need to Know How to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Mapleton, Maine. How?

Question by aurelia iw: I need to know how to find addiction treatment centers in Mapleton, Maine. How? I have a friend who really idolized someone whom she found out was a heroin addict. That’s when she started to wonder what it’s like to be doing heroin. She tried it and got herself addicted. I really want to help her get through this. I already talked to her parents and they told me that they need help in finding addiction treatment centers. Best answer:    Read more... ...

Why Is Salvia Legal and Marijuana Is Not?

Question by Shalylla: why is salvia legal and marijuana is not? I recently tried salvia and it was not what i was expecting. I was really gone.. I mean it was scary. I just wanted to be sober and i just kept thinking ” I’m the couch.. I literally WAS the couch, with a head.” I didn’t want to move because i thought i was the couch and couches DON’T MOVE! lol.. wow.. Also i thought i was going to fall off a huge cliff if i moved even one centimeter. it was not cool. and i will never do that again! so why is salvia legal.. I cant even believe pot is illegal after what i experienced with salvia. salvia makes pot look like child splay in comparison.. What gives.?    Read more... ...

I Suffer From Alcohol Addiction.?

Question by wildflower: I suffer from alcohol addiction.? My husband knows my struggle with alcohol but will get drunk on occasion and order drinks in front of me. His makes me go to his parents house on all holidays because my family is too dysfunctional to have events. When we go there is alcohol in the fridge and wine displayed everywhere for fun. His Mom even cooks with it and has little bottles on the counter unopened for me to see and smell. Alcohol has almost destroyed my life. I suffer and they even gossip terribly about my addiction. I attended AA and was sober for 5 months and they made my life hell. My husband never treated me worse then the time I tried to be sober and I faithfully went to meetings everyday because my life depended on it. I lost 20 pounds of beer fat and started to actually look beautiful and happy the first time in a long time. He brought up my past sins and he and his relatives put me down constantly. I am now fat and unable to stop drinking ag ...

I Want to Work in a Addiction Treatment Center?

...  by Mark S: I want to work in a addiction treatment center? I only have a GED what must I do to get a job at a treatment center for drugs and alcohol. I was an addict and now have 12 years clean and want to work as an addiction concealer doing classes and give assessments so I need collage but don’t know what courses to take here in washington state Best answer: Answer by SteveI believe there is a certificate program for drug and alcohol counseling. Make an appointment with a counselor at a local community college and ...

Illinois Age of Consent?

Question by Gabriel: Illinois age of consent? Alright, im 19, my birthday is oct 1, my girlfriend is 16, birthday oct 13, we were introduced with the belief that she was 17. we haven’t had any sexual contact what so ever. Her parents hate me just because she has had some bad relationships an think im some guy who just wants to get her drunk or high an abuse her. I don’t do drugs, I don’t drink my dad is a cop for Pete’s sake. I have my own home an i work full time. Her father died a long time ago so her mother has some boyfriend whose age is like 6 years different. She isn’t happy her life is controlled to a T. the other night she tried to stay at my house, not to do anything just to be with me. An her parents threatened to call the cops when they figured out where they were. The were not going to (because they were drunk off there ass;s) I’ve had a lot of shit relationships an I think this time it might be something more. I’m about to enroll ...