addiction treatment center

How Will I Get to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Crescent City, California?

Question by destiney t: How will I get to find addiction treatment centers in Crescent City, California?
My brother is so addicted to gambling. He just gambles his money away. My parents has just found out about this recently and they’re asking for my help in finding a treatment center for him. How will I find one?

Best answer:

Answer by bibiana ns
Finding addiction treatment centers is fairly easy. The links that I have included below just might help you out. You can also take your brother to a doctor or psychologist and have him checked up properly. The doctor will know what kind of treatment program and which treatment center will be right for him.

Methamphetamine & Cocaine Uses (Good & Bad)?

Question by MLAW77: Methamphetamine & cocaine uses (good & bad)?
i have a drug research paper that im working on and im needing more info on the medicinal uses of cocaine and methamphetamine. any & all help appreciated. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by HarleyGirlSD
Meth is used legally in the treatment of add/adhd under the drug name Adderall… which is now rarely prescribed because of the “stigma” attached to the drug, known on the street as “legal meth”.

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I Need Some Help for My Son Doing Drugs?

Question by miamorpartatu: I need some help for my son doing drugs?
I am divorced and have a 21 yr. old son I just found out has and is doing drugs and extacy??? and I have talked to him but tell’s me he has no problem and won’t go to seek help. What can I do?I love him and don’t want to lose him!

Best answer:

Answer by lami_by_design
Keep loving him, don’t give him money, don’t let the drugs in your house, pray.
Thats all you can do.
Because in the end it is his choice, sadly…




I know welfare is and public shools and fiancial aid.
please explain why or why not thanks
actually we are all paying tax money for these programs no?
and they are run by the government ?
thats why its called “SOCIAL” security?

Best answer:

Answer by subwm4bush
Yes. Don’t talk about it Tea Party Baby Boomers or they will get very ANGRY.

What do you think? Answer below!



I Have to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Holtsville, New York, for People With Prescription Drug Addictio

Question by aja np: I have to find addiction treatment centers in Holtsville, New York, for people with prescription drug addictio
This is because my cousin is an ambien addict and I would like to help her get herself treated, if only by finding a treatment center for her. I already talked to her about this and she made it clear that she wants to change.

Best answer:

Is SUBOXONE a Narcotic?

Question by getoffmyback: Is SUBOXONE a narcotic?

Best answer:

Answer by **Anti-PeTA**
Yes it is. 1. What are Suboxone and Subutex?

Subutex and Suboxone are medications approved for the treatment of opiate dependence. Both medicines contain the active ingredient, buprenorphine hydrochloride, which works to reduce the symptoms of opiate dependence.

2. Why did the FDA approve two medications?

Subutex contains only buprenorphine hydrochloride. This formulation was developed as the initial product. The second medication, Suboxone contains an additional ingredient called naloxone to guard against misuse.

Subutex is given during the first few days of treatment, while Suboxone is used during the maintenance phase of treatment.