mental illness

Drug Addiction in Your Family?

Question by adidaschic6081: drug addiction in your family?
i am doing a research paper on the negative effects on childre with drug-abusing parents, if you are a recovering or current addict or know someone with in your family with children and would like to conduct an email interview please let me know! you can remain anonomous!! i need your help please and thanks!!

Best answer:

Answer by Stunt_Gem
Uh, isn’t addiction an excuse for having no self control?
Come on, lets use mental illness as an excuse to not get anything done, kill people and get away with it…Eff it, just brand name me, fifty one fifty=)…

I Saw a Center for Internet Addiction Recovery. Are We Addicted to Internet?

Question by dingy: I saw a center for internet addiction recovery. Are we addicted to internet?
will it be listed as a mental illness or something like a psychological disorder? I didn’t get it.

Best answer:

Answer by Jerzee Devil
who are you calling “we”, white man?

Add your own answer in the comments!



INTERNET ADDICTION – Let’s be internet addicts together. – Follow Caspar on Twitter: – Friend Caspar on Facebook: ——…


Why Do People Complain About Stop and Frisk? NYC?

Question by Donovan: Why do people complain about stop and frisk? NYC?
I was in my Sociology class and we were talking about stop and frisk and how it racially targets people. In NYC there are a lot of black and latinos and in the city, they are the ones who commit most of the crimes so it would make sense for them to be the ones most likely to be searched. I don’t think it racially targets people, I just think it targets people who look like a thug to be honest. Plus if you don’t have anything on you, then what do you have to worry about? Crime has also gone down. I have heard about a cop planting something on someone but it’s annoying when every criminal tries to use that excuse when they get caught with drugs (with intent to sell).

Do People With Drug Addictions Go to Mental Hospitals or Institutions?

Question by Audrey Rickard: Do people with drug addictions go to mental hospitals or institutions?
I am writing a one act play and the characters are living in a mental hospital. One suffers from hallucinations and schizophrenia. The other is a heroin addict and the last suffers from social anxiety and hates change. I was wondering, do people with drug addictions go where people with other mental illnesses go? Thank you! It would really help!

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel
Sounds interesting!

What Is a Therapeutic Community?

Question by M L: What is a therapeutic community?

Best answer:

Answer by 9Suns
Therapeutic community is a term applied to a participative, group-based approach to long-term mental illness, personality disorders and drug addiction. The approach is usually residential with the clients and therapists living together, is based on milieu therapy principles and includes group psychotherapy as well as practical activities.

Therapeutic communities have gained some reputation for success in rehabilitation and patient satisfaction in Britain and abroad. In Britain, ‘democratic analytic’ therapeutic communities have tended to specialise in the treatment of moderate to severe personality disorders and complex emotional and interpersonal problems. The evolution of therapeutic communities in the United States has followed a different path with hierarchically arranged communities (or concept houses) specialising in the treatment of drug and alcohol dependence.

Why Won’t Government Spend More Money on Drug Treatment Programs?

Question by waltonluke63: why won’t government spend more money on drug treatment programs?
like more detox centers for alcoholics, yet will spend billions on useless war in iraq?don’t they realize making investement in human life will increase!!? productivity in nation, saving billions in all industries, including medical and judicial system?

Best answer:

Answer by Cecilia M
Why should so many more tax dollars go toward folks who make the conscious decision to start drinking and/or doing drugs? Addicts should be held accountable for their own choices…and not saddle the govt with their problems any more than they already have.