Why Do People Complain About Stop and Frisk? NYC?

Question by Donovan: Why do people complain about stop and frisk? NYC?
I was in my Sociology class and we were talking about stop and frisk and how it racially targets people. In NYC there are a lot of black and latinos and in the city, they are the ones who commit most of the crimes so it would make sense for them to be the ones most likely to be searched. I don’t think it racially targets people, I just think it targets people who look like a thug to be honest. Plus if you don’t have anything on you, then what do you have to worry about? Crime has also gone down. I have heard about a cop planting something on someone but it’s annoying when every criminal tries to use that excuse when they get caught with drugs (with intent to sell).

Best answer:

Answer by No
The idea is that “The Police ONLY S&F oppressed minority people that are otherwise upstanding citizens.”

It dismisses the fact that when you look at the statistics regarding population demographics and crime, the people that are committing the most crime are the ones most often S&F’ed and that it isn’t magic that causes the cops to find illegal items and substances on them.

It is always made out to be about race when it’s putting the cart before the horse. The people that commit the most crime in an area don’t do so because of the color of their skin but because people that are damaged tend to cluster and perpetuate a generational transmission of trauma that results in that community producing more criminals.

It’s why in Phoenix, AZ you’re more likely to have your car broken into by a white trash meth head than a black guy, because the largest group of damaged, mentally ill PARENTS are white trash meth heads that abuse their children, pass along the genetics for addiction and mental illness, and cause those genetics to be expressed by abusing the child because nothing causes a child to act out faster than having an abusive parent.

In NYC, you have Black Trash abusing their kids and justifying their actions as “Part of black culture” and something to be celebrated when it is the direct reason why they can’t get out of poverty in the first place. Same with White Trash raised in the same area… It’s about the culture of the group, not the color of the skin.

But saying “Stop abusing your kids!” won’t get you votes… So the Community Organizers work to maintain the victim status of the constituency, which just perpetuates the generational transmission of trauma.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!