Where Can I Find Information on Pain Addiction to Write a Paper On?

Question by : Where can I find information on Pain Addiction to write a paper on?
I’m talking about real addiction to pain. Not pain pills or the pain(s) of being addicted to something. The actual addiction to causing yourself pain such as always getting into a horrible relationship or situations where pain will be the outcome. Haven’t been able to find much info except on personal made websites where someone writes their theory and thoughts on the subject. Need professional, documented work for a paper I’m writing for a school. Any websites, books, info, etc. will be much appreciated. Thank you everyone for your time. Take care and have a great and happy new year.
Thank you very much everyone. Really appreciate it.

Best answer:

Answer by Tori ?????
There are many sites. I did a search on pain addiction and there are more than 100 sites for your information.

Wikipedia is always a great source:

http://painaddictionclinic.com/ (A clinic with lots of information)

Good luck getting your paper done.

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