drug test

My Son Is Going Into a Drug Rehab.?

Question by Irene R: my son is going into a drug rehab.?
it will be outpatient and he’ll be drug tested each time he goes. we are sending him because he has been abusing over the counter drugs at dangerous levels. he does struggle with anxiety and has for years. he had been given xanax recently and has done really well on it. Only takes it as needed and allows me to monitor it for him. will drug rehab allow him to continue taking the xanax as needed. he doesn’t take it every day, only in certain situations and it really helps. He’ll have a prescription with him when he goes and I assume they’ll see the medication in his urine. will taking this be a problem. will they want him to stop using it and should we not have him take any for the week before he goes so it isn’t in his urine. should he show the prescription first to ask if it’s okay to take and then start again on it. I’m confused about this whole process and how it will help him.
appreciate any help or advice.

Can You Voluntarily Take a Drug Test in Washington State?

Question by sweetsobersacrifice: Can you voluntarily take a drug test in Washington state?
My boyfriend has a history of drug addiction and though he says he’s quit I think he’s still using. I want to know if it’s possible to volunteer to take some sort of drug test, or if it has to be court-ordered or something. Thanks in advance for answers

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah M
You can buy drug screening kits at Walgreens

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5 Recommedations on How to Overcome Illegal Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?

Question by smith5nz: 5 recommedations on how to overcome illegal drug abuse among teenagers?
5 or more ways, between 10-20 lines

Best answer:

Answer by Bobo
Drug testing in schools.
Separate classes for those who use drugs including training vice education.

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In Chicago, IL (Cook County). if Sentenced to Probation Can a P. O. Alter a Judges Ruling?

Question by Polaco B: In Chicago, IL (cook County). If sentenced to Probation can a P. O. alter a Judges ruling?
In 2005 my girlfriend was sentenced to 36 months Probation. All she had to do was report once a month and pay court and probation fees. 6 months into her Probation her officer demands that she provide Urine drops. This was not a stipulation of her probation at sentencing. Now she violated Probation with a dirty drop and on Oct 25th was sentenced to 6months in jail. Is thid legal?

Best answer:

I Worry About Putting My Baby Up for Adoption.?

Question by indigonight87: I worry about putting my baby up for adoption.?
I posted a question on putting my baby up for adoption and left out some important details, so let me rephrase it please. I am a single Mother who already has a bueatiful two yr old boy and I am pregnant with a second child. I have been emotionally struggling with the idea of adoption for my baby to come. For any of you who ask, how in the wolrd can you put one child up for adoption and keep another? Financial reasons. This is not about playing favorites as a few commented on my last question or about loving one and not the other because I love BOTH equally and have spent night over night crying about it. I have no help from my family and as for the state can only give me so much help as to only be able to support one child. We have all heard of the economic crisis lately. The state is getting overwhelmed with people applying for unemployment and I too have lost my job because of my pregnancy so I was ‘laid off’ because I could not preform the tasks the other people could (even though that wasn’t the reason they gave me I am almost 95 pecent positive that’s the reason why). Anyway, I am currently out of work and living off of unemployment and am due in January and do not know when I will get my job back. Right now I am only getting about 600 dollars a month and thanks to a friend do not have to pay rent but do have to pay car payment, phone bill and other various bills. Plus pay for my sons expenses because I do not recieve child support. I cannot possibly be able to afford another child. I am scared that if I go through this adoption process with one will they try to take my son other away because of my financial position. I know that sounds like a stupid worry but oh well, I do worry about it because I heard that DHS looks for reasons. But I might be misinformed.

When a Mother Is Arrested for Doing Drugs While Pregnant…?

Question by **Jessica**: When a mother is arrested for doing drugs while pregnant…?
She and the baby tested positive for meth,methadone pills, and some other pills.( I dont know the correct terms for those drugs) She was in jail for about 2 mths, she is now out. Her baby is in foster care (since birth) . From what I hear she has failed every drug test that department of human resources has had her take. I am wondering how long by state law do mothers usually stay in jail for these kinds of things? She has been in and out of rehabs the lat 4 years. She has aborted two children and gave two up for adoption. This is my uncles girlfriend, he is in jail for the same thing. He is willing to sign his rights away to me and she was when she was in jail, now that she is out she is wanting to “keep” the baby. How many drug tests can she fail before the DHR will take her baby from her and not give her a chance ? Doesnt family come first when it comes to adopting the baby? We live in Alabama and just need advice on what to do.
I just wanted to add a few details for ya guys .. DHR done the paternity test last week, as soon as that gets established and he is on the birth certificate, DHR can talk to me. There isnt a doubt in my mind that it his child though. They should have the results in soon and my uncle stated that he would have them to contact us/ect as soon as they give him the results so they could talk to us. Its just so stressful !! My mom and dad are already raising two of his children from a prev relationship. They are 4 and 7. Its all just a mess. I really hate all of this and we will not watch another child being drug in and out of the foster care system.
And yeah my uncle supports it all the way. He knows that neither of them are ready to be parents and not for a long time if they ever are. She was all up for it until she got out of jail and we werent bringing her money and stuff. She is now cussing us out and told us to leave her alone. My uncle stated that she is the sweetest person *which she has been pretty much* until she gets back on heavy drugs and that she would go crazy like this ,yell scream and get emotional. He assures us not to worry that everything will work out and that he would make sure that we would get the baby.