Strip Club Addiction?

Question by Black Jack: Strip club addiction?
Im sick and tired of pissing money at the strip club. Ive blown over $ 50,000 at the strip club in the last 11 years. Im addicted to live pornography. I feel so guilty about spending all that money. I could have given it to someone that needs it . Why am I doing this and who else can I give this money to …I wish I was broke …

Best answer:

Answer by MadforMAC
You need to seek out counseling for porn addiction now.

There is help out there and I strongly suggest you make the effort to change your life. It won’t be easy, but then what other choice do you have?

You made some bad choices by getting involved in that way of life, now you need to get yourself out of it and live a better life. You can do it, get help.

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Stubbington Village the Philippines a Project for rehabilitaion – This is fourth video in the Series Stubbington Village a Drug Problem and how this relates to the Philippines.