Is There Such Thing as a Depression Rehab for Teens?

Question by Rain: Is there such thing as a depression rehab for teens?
Is there such place where you can meet other depressed teens and do theorpy excersises in a clinic or building of some sort? Kind of like a drug rehab but dealing with depression? I think I have depression and I don’t think a therapist would do anything. I have begun to often think of suicide. I have not attempted it yet, but I think of how I can go through. I heard mediciene only does more damage and doesn’t help depression. I don’t believe in therapists either. I tried smoking marijuana several times and became heavy for a short period. I often thought of trying heavier stuff. I recently have stopped, but my depression just keeps dragging me lower. So are there facilities I can go and get help? Are they daily facilities or are they places where you stay the nights there?

Best answer:

Answer by Karma
u need a support group
look on google to see if they have any
in ur area
i dont know where u live so its hard to guide u in the right direction
meds do help and they dont make u worse
u havent even given it a shot
and already have given up
u have to have a positive attitude if ur gonna get well

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