I Have a Question for Doctors and Other Drug Prescribing Personel?

Question by Nathan: I have a question for Doctors and other drug prescribing personel?
ok so im depressed and most likely bipolar among other severities and I am looking to see my doctor about some prescriptions, now would it be ok to ask for certain drugs that you want??

and if they ask me if i self medicate(which i do), would it benefit me to say no ? Or to just be honest and tell them that i do, which would be smoking pot, and other drugs lyk cocaine, meth, and maybe even exctasy?? i was just wondering kuz i do want and need the prescriptions but dont wana screw it up for myself.

can someone help me or shoot me their opinion??

Best answer:

Answer by aneurodoc125
You should tell the doctor everything you take- legal or not. It is privileged, so your secrets are safe. If you do not, it can lead to an incorrect diagnosis, and the wrong treatment. Some meds for psychiatric problems do not mix with the street drugs you mention.

” He who has himself as a physician, has a fool for a patient” Do not self medicate.

Taking street drugs can mess you up– why do you think you have a psychiatric disorder rather than the effects of the drugs you have used?

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