How Do I Stop My Friends WoW Addiction?

Question by douchenbag: How do I stop my friends WoW addiction?
I play video games alot but, i have a social life and go to work. My friend sometimes plays wow for 15 hours straight and he doesnt have a social life any more either. He quit his job but he keeps saying he will get one, but he wont. He really has a problem and i want to know how to stop it, without him hating me.

Best answer:

Answer by Christina
Fortunately, my boyfriend isn’t as bad as your friend, although he LOVES WoW, as do all his friends. I think part of it is a phase and another part is the escaping away to a fantastical place.

I tend to find that when my boyfriend and his friends have other interesting things to do, they stop playing WoW for a while.

Maybe you could invite you friend out to do something, like a guy’s night out or something to that effect. Getting him away from the computer to do something exciting seems like it might be the best way to go.

Let me know how it works out. If you find a solution for this WoW addiction, you might be able to help a lot of people.

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Wow addiction tongpo – tongpo is addicted to wow.