How Can I Get Out of Pornography Addiction and Masturbation Habit?

Question by Rahat: How can I get out of pornography addiction and masturbation habit?
I am 21 years old. I first watched porn when I was 13, and since then, I am a porn addict. I masturbate so frequently, almost every day. I can’t control myself. I can’t concentrate on my works, study, anything. I feel like I am losing my hair because of excessive masturbation. I feel less stamina at work, tiredness stays with me all the way. It became a threat to my relationship. My girlfriend is a very decent and conservative woman. And because of that I kept all my sexual urges to myself, masturbation is my only way out. My viewpoint became uglier, I started treating every woman as a sex object, as a result, relationship is getting problem. It’s been 8 years I have been into this, and now I want to get out and lead a normal life. Please help me out.

Best answer:

Answer by Younes
If you feel the need to touch yourself at least once a day while watching porn then you need help and you need it fast.

try this it will help you a lot :

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