Does Rehab Sound Like a Good Option for Me? Is There Any Centers That Don’t Involve God?

Question by Jen Heartacher: Does Rehab sound like a good option for me? Is there any centers that don’t involve God?
I’m 19 years old, have been suffering from Depression and Anxiety since age 8, eating disorder at 12 and alcoholism since age 14, and also tried my first suicide attempt at 14. I’ve tried multiple drug treatments for depression, none of which have worked, and after all these years I still am struggling with depression and alcoholism, I’m 19 and very close to rock bottom(or as low as I want to go.) I realized I don’t have anything in common with my friends except for we are all alcoholics, and over the years I have lost a lot of friends and now all the friends I seem to have left are also drinkers, I don’t want to live this life anymore. I have bad depression and anxiety, the more I feel depressed, the more I want to drink, the more I drink the more I feel depressed, it’s a never ending cycle.

Does rehab sound like a good option for me? Money is not an Issue since it would be covered by the government. But I am not religious, and don’t want God to be pressured on me. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Alderton
Try a cognitive behavioral therapist first. They can assess you and help you figure out what steps you should take to help yourself. They can teach you coping skills etc. It involves a lot of work, but you seem pretty motivated to help yourself which is an amazing first step. And if that doesn’t seem to be working well, they can refer you to places that will fit your needs. They’re pretty good at handling the God pressure thing. They’re trained to be open minded. Good luck!

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