Does Anyone Know About Potential Plans to Make Salvia Illegal?

Question by zaque frost: Does anyone know about potential plans to make Salvia illegal?
Salvia Divinorous, diviner’s sage, or just salvia, is a hallucinogenic drug somewhat similar to Marijuana, although the ‘trips’ are significantly shorter and it shows almost no signs of addiction.

My question is this, is anyone aware of laws to make it illegal? My understanding is that it is currently legal at least partly due to its recent move into the mainstream and the fact that it is little known.
As a special notification to bougerox, i’m gay.

girlfriend wouldn’t do me a whole lot of good.

Best answer:

Answer by Boogers
I have heard that they are trying to make it illegal, but that was a couple years ago when I was in college. It can actually be quite dangerous and doesn’t feel like smoking pot at all, well the good kind anyways. I have bought some from a store before and it didn’t really do much, more of a pot kind of high but shorter. The plants actually grew on my college campus and there was a botanist major next door to me so we had a little fun. But I don’t think any of the laws ever passed to make it illegal.

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