Does American Liberalism and the Promotion of Identity Politics Aim at Diversity of the Ruling Class Instead ?

Question by justgoodfolk: Does American liberalism and the promotion of identity politics aim at diversity of the ruling class instead ?
of equality for all like this article suggests and socialists believe? How do liberals react to these left wing observations concerning their ideology?

The top one percent in American society controls more than 45 percent of the wealth. The top one-tenth of one percent has monopolized nearly the entire increase in national wealth over the last two decades, while the vast majority of the people have seen their living conditions deteriorate, their jobs become more precarious, their overall social position become more insecure.
For black workers and youth, the decline has been even more precipitous. It is hardly necessary to recite the well-known figures: more young black men in prison than in college, crumbling schools and other social services in the inner cities, poverty levels once again approaching those of the early 1960s, disproportionate levels of unemployment, drug abuse, violence, homelessness and other social evils.
This social polarization has been to some extent masked by the inclusion of a small layer of blacks, women, gays, Hispanics, etc., in the privileged elite. But the rise of an Oprah Winfrey or a Tiger Woods or a Barack Obama does not make America a more egalitarian society.
Doomsday, Obama continues the same policies, Republican policies so who really wins?
Politics is not football and I’d like you to answer the question asked or post elsewhere.

Best answer:

Answer by Cavs in ’09
Its a start.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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